
Love is the key

a woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front
yard. she did not recognize them. she said "i don't think i know you,but you must be hungry. please come in and have something to eat.""is the man of the house home?", they asked. "no", she replied. "he's out.""then we cannot come in", they replied. in the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "go tell them i am home and invite them in!"the woman went out and invited the men in. "we do not go into a house together," they replied. "why is that?" she asked. one of the old men explained:"his name is wealth," he said,pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "he is success, and i am love." then he added,"now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."the woman went in and told her husband what was said. her husband was overjoyed. "how nice!!", he said. "since that is the case, let us invite wealth. let him come and fill our home with wealth!" his wife disagreed. "my dear, why don't we invite success?" their daughter-in-law was listening from the othercorner of the house.she jumped in with her own suggestion: "would it not be better to invite love? our home will then be filled with love!" "let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," saidthe husband to his wife. "go out and invite love to be our guest." the woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "which one of you is love? please come in and be our guest." love got up and started walking toward the house. the other 2 also got up and followed him. surprised, the lady asked wealth and success: "i only invited love, why are you coming in?" the old men replied together: "if you had invited wealth or success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited love, wherever he goes, we go with him". wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success


عصفور المدينة said...

ٍSuccess is a follower of love
but wealth may not necessarily follow the twin

اسكندراني اوي said...

اسمحيلي حرد بالعربي

جميل اوي ان نملئ بيوتنا حبا
فبالحب سنتعاون
للنجح واذا نجحنا اغتنينا

حكمه يدفع فيها الكثيرين اعواما طويله ليتعلموها


barbie girl said...

its so beautiful story.

may be it not true
I mean no body have every thing in life.Some people are wealthy but may be they are not successful.Some people are in love and successful but have not wealth.

محمد said...

حضرتك عملتي معجزة .. إنك جمعتي الستة مع بعض

نعم .. الثلاثة صفات بالإضافة للزوجين والطفلة

لأن أنيس منصور بيقول .. إذا دخل المأذون من الباب خرج الحب من الشباك

وبمنطقك لو خرج الحب سيخرج وراءه البقية

M.Nassif said...

really beautiful!!
But it triggered a question in my head
in reality can love truly alone bring us success and wealth ?
i do not think so

رينـــــــــــا said...

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله
كل سنه وانتى با الف خير يارب
والسنه الجايه فى عرفات قولى امين

ولــــــــــو said...

حلوة اوي اوي بجد
بس مين يعرف ومين يحسبها صح

خالص تحياتي

The Manager said...

الحب هو اصلا لوحده كفاية
هو اكيد هيجيب النجاح
بس مش اكيد يجيب الثروة

ولكن الأهم من كدة انه هيجيب الرضا ودي الثروة الحقيقة

انا مش مصدق نفسي اني فهمت حبة انجليزي :D

تحياتى ليكي يا كااااات

علاء عارفين said...

GREAT story

i really like it . .

and i hope that i can keep the key with me all time
